Head Tilt Posturography to Enhance Balance Control Assessment for Astronauts: A Case Study
For many years, we have used a standard clinical computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) protocol to assess recovery of integrated sensory-motor function in astronauts returning from space flight. The most reliable indications of postflight crew performance capabilities have been obtained from the sensory organization tests (SOTs) within the CDP protocol, particularly SOTs 5 (eyes closed, surface support sway referenced) and 6 (eyes open, surface support and visual surround sway referenced), which are sensitive to changes in availability and/or utilization of vestibular cues. We have observed, however, that some astronauts exhibiting visible signs of incomplete sensory-motor recovery are able to score within clinical norms on standard SOTs 5 and 6 trials, perhaps as a result of cognitive strategies driven by their naturally competitive natures. To improve the sensitivity of the CDP protocol for assessing recovery of integrated sensory-motor function and fitness to return to duties and/or activities of daily living, we have introduced pitch plane head tilt SOT trials to our protocol. In a preliminary study of 5 short duration (~11day missions) astronauts, we showed that they were unable to maintain balance on landing day when performing dynamic head tilt trials, despite scoring within the clinically normal range on the standard SOT trials. The present case report illustrates the advantages of including head tilt trials for assessing sensory-motor recovery in long duration crewmembers.