Standardization of pomegranate (Punica garanatum L.) propagation through cuttings.

Vegetative propagation of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) through cutting is the most convenient and cheap method of obtaining true to the type, fully developed plants in considerably lesser time and in order to improve the rooting and reduce the mortality of rooted cuttings, the use of growth regulators and time cuttings has been standardized. Maximum rooting, root number and root length is observed with IBA 500 ppm + Borax 1% both in semi hard and hard wood cuttings. Field survival of the cuttings treated with IBA 500 ppm + Borax 1%, IBA 300 ppm + Borax 2% and IBA 5000 ppm remained maximum. Hard wood cuttings respond better to the hormonal treatment as compared to semi hard-wood cuttings.