Cardiovascular responses after methylmethacrylic cement.

Cardiovascular Responses after Methylmethacrylic Cement D. R. Cadle, F.F.A. R.C.S., and others........ 107 Methylmethacrylic Cement and Fat Embolism A. W. Fowler, F.R.C.S ..................... 108 Asthma and the Anxious Child A. W. S. Webster, M.R.C.S ................. 108 Large-bowel Cancer after Previous Surgery F. T. de Dombal, F.R.C.S., and J. R. Staniland 108 Screening for Malignant Hyperpyrexia W. G. Bradley, D.M., and Dorothy Murchison, B.SC ............................... 108 Chronic Gastric Ulcers P. Goodall, F.R.C.S., and J. Cocker, M.D..... 109 Detecting Sickle Haemoglobin R. G. Huntsman, M.D ................... 109 Screening for Thalassaemia Trait Leonora A. Crawford, D.P.H ............... 109 Rehabilitation D. S. Smith, M.R.C.P.ED ................... 109 Periodicity ofSerum Prolactin Concentration Y. C. Patel, M.R.A.C.P., and others.......... 110 Propranolol and Cluster Headache R. Fogelholm, M.D ....................... 110 Occupational Exposure to Nalidixic Acid L. Alessio, M.D., and G. Morselli, M.D....... 110 E.B. Virus and Multiple Sclerosis J. Nikoskelainen, M.D., and others.......... 111 Source of Contamination in Haemodialysis Equipment R. Y. Cartwright, M.R.C.PATH., and B. L. Radford, F.I.M.L.T ....................... 111 Interaction of Benzodiazepines with Tricyclic Antidepressants G. Silverman, D.P.M., and R. Braithwaite, A.R.I.C ...............................111 Nutritional Rickets in Immigrants S. P. S. Teotia, M.D., and M. Teotia, M.D... 111 Malaria in the U.K. M. J. Colbourne, F.R.C.P.ED ............... 112 Dietary Fibre J. K. Anand, D.P.H ...................... 112 Allergy to House-dust Mites in the Tropics D. R. W. Haddock, F.R.C.P ............... 112 Pantothenic Acid and Coeliac Disease Jean A. Monro, M.B ..................... 112 Crohn's Disease and Pregnancy R. R. Hall, F.R.C.S ...................... 113 Duodenogastric Reflux and Pyloric Surgery C. D. T. MacLean, F.R.C.P.ED ............. 113 Overpopulation P. Moxon, D.C.H ..................... 113 The Porn Industry D. R. Cargill, B.M.; S. E. Ellison, M.R.C.G.P.; B. S. C. Gaster, M.B ..................... 113 Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome Agnese Kelly, M.D., and others ............ 114 Treatment of Endocrine Impotence J. Teter, M.D ........................... 114 Management of Diabetes Insipidus in Pregnancy D. Oravec, M.D., and B. Lichardus, M.D..... 114 Pyrexia with Cytosine Arabinoside M. S. Rose, PH.D., M.B., and D. N. Bateman, M.B . .................................. 115 Potentiation of Barbiturate by Ouabain N. S. Doggett, PH.D ..................... 115 Neurological Deficits in Primary Polycythaemia D. G. Sims, M.B., and Elizabeth M. Husband, M.R.C.PATH ..................... 115 Malignant Lymphoma and Acute S.L.E. Rose Scheuer-Karpin, M.D ............... 116 Lumbar Disc Problems R. T. D. Fitzgerald, M.B ................. 116 Undergraduate Curriculum G. E. Crawford, M.R.C.G.P ............... 116 Dysphagia and Sarcoid Granulomas G. A. MacGregor, M.D ................... 116 Aflatoxins and Reye's Disease D. M. 0. Becroft, M.D., and D. R. Webster, B.SC. .... 117 Future of the B.M.A. H. B. Muir,M.B ......................... 117 Regional Hospital Staffing R. T. Booth, M.R.C.O.G., and others; J. P. Grier, M.B.; R. Maggs, M.D ............... 118 New Consultant Contract D. Lynch, M.R.C.G.P ..................... 118 Pay in Remedial Professions T. L. Fraser, M.B....................... 118