The Internet Writer's Handbook

From the Publisher: T8784-5, 0-205-28784-0, Sammons, Martha C. (Wright State University), THE INTERNET WRITER'S HANDBOOK, 5.5 x 8.5, paperbound, 224 pp., $22.00 K, HA02 * / The Internet Writer's Handbook is an easily accessible, vital reference tool in the age of electronic communication: it teaches how to write well on-line. Too often, writers attempt to create Web pages by simply using the same techniques they use for print documents; The Internet Writer's Handbook offers those writers specific advice on writing and designing on-line hypertext documents. In addition to entries on HTML elements, researching on the Internet, e-mail style, and other such contemporary topics, the Handbook places unique emphasis on online writing techniques. The book includes up-to-the-minute research on online help, hypertext, Web page design, concise writing techniques, usability testing, interface design, and Web sites. Reflecting the author's extensive experience as a consultant in business and technical writing, this handbook will appeal to anyone who needs help in creating a Web page. This book is useful for any technical, business, or professional writing for the Internet.