Aircraft drag prediction and reduction. Addendum 1: Computational drag analyses and minimization; mission impossible?

The Special Course on Aircraft Drag Prediction was sponsored by the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel and the von Karman Institute and presented at the von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, on 20 to 23 May 1985 and at the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA, 5 to 6 August 1985. The course began with a general review of drag reduction technology. Then the possibility of reduction of skin friction through control of laminar flow and through modification of the structure of the turbulence in the boundary layer were discussed. Methods for predicting and reducing the drag of external stores, of nacelles, of fuselage protuberances, and of fuselage afterbodies were then presented followed by discussion of transonic drag rise. The prediction of viscous and wave drag by a method matching inviscid flow calculations and boundary layer integral calculations, and the reduction of transonic drag through boundary layer control are also discussed. This volume comprises Paper No. 9 Computational Drag Analyses and Minimization: Mission Impossible, which was not included in AGARD Report 723 (main volume).