Abstract More than 50 manikins are in use world-wide. They represent various levels of development in terms of technique and performance. The more sophisticated are articulated manikins able to assume different postures and body movements. They are electrically heated and divided into several (up to 36) individually controlled segments. A few may even allow for controlled sweating and water immersion. The continuing and growing interest in manikins is based on the fact that they: represent a realistic and objective method for assessment of clothing thermal function; comprise a quick, accurate and reproducible method for measurement of thermal insulation; are cost-effective instruments for comparative measurements and for produce development; and provide input values for thermal modelling and prediction of safe and comfortable working conditions. It must be borne in mind, however, that manikin data at best only represent the performance of clothing under specified test conditions. Size, fit, posture, type and intensity of work movements, wind, wetting and other factors influence clothing heat transfer in such a way that the resulting insulation provided by an ensemble during real conditions may be much lower than the measured standard value. Walking movements alone may reduce insulation by 20–30%. The manikin value does not account for individual variation in terms of requirement and preferences. Therefore, manikin measurements rely extensively on experience and knowledge derived from human experiments and should be regarded as complementary to, rather than a replacement for, practical testing.