Recent General Education Policy Reforms and their impact on LIS education
This paper briefly irltroduces the general education systerrl of Sri Lanka and the recent problenls encountered with regard to the quality of education. With the objective of eradicating these problems, Ger~eral Education Policy Reforms were brought in by the r n ~ d 19913s. T t i e s ~ pplicy reforms are analysed in the paper together. r;i~ith two major !r\rorld Bank funded projects which introduced radical changes to the general education system by implemlenting the reconlrnended policy reforms. A special eniplasi is is laid on the unprecedented library developrr~ent activities resulted froni the policy r e f r ~ r n ~ s and fir~afly the impacts of these General Education Policy Reforms and related activities on Library and Information Science education of Sri Lanka is discussed.