OpenARC: open accelerator research compiler for directive-based, efficient heterogeneous computing

This paper presents Open Accelerator Research Compiler (OpenARC): an open-source framework that supports the full feature set of OpenACC V1.0 and performs source-to-source transformations, targeting heterogeneous devices, such as NVIDIA GPUs. Combined with its high-level, extensible Intermediate Representation (IR) and rich semantic annotations, OpenARC serves as a powerful research vehicle for prototyping optimization, source-to-source transformations, and instrumentation for debugging, performance analysis, and autotuning. In fact, OpenARC is equipped with various capabilities for advanced analyses and transformations, as well as built-in performance and debugging tools. We explain the overall design and implementation of OpenARC, and we present key analysis techniques necessary to efficiently port OpenACC applications. Porting various OpenACC applications to CUDA GPUs using OpenARC demonstrates that OpenARC performs similarly to a commercial compiler, while serving as a general research framework.

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