Probabilistic inductive inference

Inductive inference machines construct programs for total recursive functions given only example values of the functions. <italic>Probabilistic</italic> inductive inference machines are defined, and for various criteria of successful inference, it is asked whether a probabilistic inductive inference machine can infer larger classes of functions if the inference criterion is relaxed to allow inference with probability at least <italic>p</italic>, (0 < <italic>p</italic> < 1) as opposed to requiring certainty. For the most basic criteria of success (<italic>EX</italic> and <italic>BC</italic>), it is shown that any class of functions that can be inferred from examples with probability exceeding 1/2 can be inferred deterministically, and that for probabilities <italic>p</italic> ≤ 1/2 there is a discrete hierarchy of inferability parameterized by <italic>p</italic>. The power of probabilistic inference strategies is characterized by equating the classes of probabilistically inferable functions with those classes that can be inferred by <italic>teams</italic> of inductive inference machines (a parallel model of inference), or by a third model called <italic>frequency</italic> inference.

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