Skin : on the cultural border between self and the world

Preface to the American Edition1. The Depth of the Surface: Introduction2. Boundary Metaphors: Skin in Language3. Penetrations: Body Boundaries and the Production of Knowledge in Medicine and Cultural Practices4. Flayings: Exposure, Torture, Metamorphoses5. Mirror of the Soul: The Epidermis as Canvas6. Mystification: The Strangeness of the Skin7. Armored Skin and Birthmarks: The Imagology of a Gender Difference8. Different Skin: Skin Colors in Literature and the History of Science9. Blackness: Skin Color in African-American Discourse10. Hand and Skin: Anthropology and Iconography of the Cutaneous Senses11. Touchings: On the Analogous Nature of Erotic, Emotive, and "Psychic" Skin Sensations12. Teletactility: The Skin in New Media