The τ decay library TAUOLA, version 2.4

The τ decay library TAUOLA has been enriched. The present version of the program includes more than twenty decay channels, including: (a) leptonic modes τ- → nνe- → nνμ-(γ), (b) one-meson modes: νπ-, νK-, (c) t wo-meson modes: νπ- π0(ϱ-), νK0π- (K∗-), νK- π0(K∗-), (d) three-meson modes: νπ-2ν 0(a-1), ν2π-π+ (a-1), νK+ K- π-, ν K0K0π-, νK- K0π0, νK- π0π0, νK- π-π+, νK0π0π-, νηπ-π 0, (e) four-pion modes: νπ-3π0, ν2π-π+π0 (including the ωπ- contribution), (f) multi-pion modes: νnπ±,0 with n > 4, and finally the decay τ- → νπ- π0γ from the ω → πγ. Complete O(α) QED corrections are included in the leptonic decay channels, and for other decay channels an interface is provided to the PHOTOS Monte Carlo generator for approximate simulation of the QED corrections. An interface to the τ pair production generators KORALB and KORALZ is also included. Final-state MC events are coded in the common block proposed by the Particle Data Group.