PWM압축기를 이용한 시스템에어컨의 난방운전 시 압축기 토출온도 상관식
An experimental study has been performed to investigate the correlation on compressor discharge temperature of system A/C in heating mode. Indoor and outdoor temperatures, the heating capacity, compressor discharge temperature and loading time are measured by the psychrometric calorimeter. The system is controlled by applying the scroll compressor, which is operated by PWM valve and loading duty. With increasing outdoor temperature, the heating capacity increases. With increasing indoor temperature, it decreases. Also, with increasing loading duty the heating capacity increases. According to the increase in outdoor temperature and loading duty, compressor discharge temperature increases. From these experimental data, the correlation on compressor discharge temperature is proposed. It is expressed as a function of indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, and loading duty. The correlation obtained from the present study is agreed with the experimental data within 2℃.