Industrial and Labor Relations review

The style format for AILR submitted manuscripts is basically the same as that for INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW. Specifically, the authors' names should appear on the title page only, papers should be double spaced on one side of the page with at least 10 point font, references should follow scientific notation (i.e., refer to the author or authors' last names in parentheses in the text with the date of the reference and list the complete publication at the end of the paper in a "References" section), notes should be in endnote format placed at the end of the paper followed by a list of references and then tables, exhibits, appendices and related matter. Four (4) hard copies of the paper should be submitted to either editor of AILR together with a diskette containing the paper in a word processing file (preferably MS-Word) OR as an e-mail The ILR Review Editorial Board welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of industrial and labor relations. Authors should submit three (3) copies to the IRRA Managing Editor for submission to the ILRR Editor. Submitted manuscripts must not be under consideration by any other publisher. Authors will be required, whenever legally possible, to assign the copyright of the accepted manuscripts to the ILR Review. If a manuscript is accepted, we request one machine-readable copy of the final version, as well as two photocopies. Most authors will be asked to make their data and programs available on request to other researchers who wish to perform replication studies. A style sheet for the ILR Review appears below. A few important points of style: double-space your paper, use 12-point type size; include margins of at least I inch; provide tables and figures on pages separate from the text; and try to keep the paper's length to under 31 pages. When a manuscript is rejected in the initial screening by the Editor or Associate Editor, that decision is usually rendered within four weeks of' submission. When papers are submitted to the ILRR referees, the author usually receives a decision within five months. Refereeing is double-blind' the author's name is not divulged to referees, nor are the referees' names divulged to the author.