Food security is one of the Indonesian government's strategic programs. In support of the Food Security Program, the Ministry of Agriculture has established a policy on the distribution of subsidized fertilizer needs, especially for food crops, which are six right policies. Subsidized fertilizer distribution planning is very important to support the achievement of the six right policies because proper distribution planning will result in meeting the needs of farmers for fertilizer. Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) method is used to determine the planning needs and it is expected that with the distribution pattern, good marketing stock, success in meeting the needs of the fertilizer stock inventory will be more optimal. In this paper, the DRP method will be used to optimize the role of subsidized fertilizer management systems. The case study for this paper is the warehouses of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, namely PPD Sumsel, while the type of subsidized fertilizer that will become the scope is urea fertilizer. From this study can be concluded that the DRP method provides a more coordinated distribution reference for urea subsidized fertilizer. With the distribution schedule, the company can prepare everything so that it can distribute products. Moreover, the implementation of DRP in the subsidized fertilizer data management system is used to optimize existing data collection and reporting functions, by adding feature requirements according to the DRP concept such as fertilizer management of stock, demand and distribution, safety stock and DRP calculation, also fertilizer report for a company manager.
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