[Actinic lichen planus. An anatomoclinical study of 10 Tunisian cases].

BACKGROUND Actinic lichen planus is a distinct variant of lichen planus involving mainly children and teenagers with racial predilection to orientals. The clinical and histopathologic features of actinic lichen planus in ten tunisian patients were studied. RESULTS The mean age was 14 years. The eruption was distributed over sun-exposed areas, with particular predilection for the face. In most cases the lesions consisted of erythematous brownish plaques with an annular configuration. Less commonly, hypermelanotic patches, sometimes assuming a melasma-like appearance, were present. The histopathologic feature consisted of a lichenoid dermatitis. CONCLUSION The cause of actinic lichen planus is unknown. Sunlight appears to be the major precipitating factor and therefore the disease would best be included among the photodermatoses.