The decision support system for telemedicine based on multiple expertise

This paper discusses the application of artificial intelligence in telemedicine and some of our research results in this area. The main goal of our research is to develop methods and systems to collect, analyse, distribute and use medical diagnostics knowledge from multiple knowledge sources and areas of expertise. Use of modern communication tools enable a physician to collect and analyse information obtained from experts worldwide with the help of a decision support medical system. In this paper we discuss a multilevel representation and processing of medical data using a system which evaluates and exploits knowledge about the behaviour of statistical diagnostics methods. The presented technique is able to acquire semantically-essential information from the complex dynamics of quasi-periodical medical signals by applying recursively-ordinary statistical tools. A method and an algorithm are elaborated to select automatically the most appropriate diagnostics method for each case under consideration. We suggest the use of a voting-type technique to search for consensus among the different opinions of medical experts. Research results can be applied in the development of a telediagnostics expert medical system and medical teleconsulting support system.