Program Committee Members

S Abiteboul M Adiba A Albano P Apers I Balbin F Bancilhon D Batory C Beeri D Bell P Bernstein B Bhargava H Biller J Biskup A Borgida J Bubenko M Brodie R Brown P Buneman M Carey S Ceri 0 Chen W Chen D Choy S Christodoulakis W Chu J Clifford U Dayal C Delobel R Demolombe S Demurjian K Dittrich H D Ehrich A Fekete G Gardarin H D Gerhardt G Gottlob J Gray P Gray T Haerder I Hawryszkiewycz P Hawthorne S Ho M Hsu R Hull T Jaervi Y Kambayashi W Kent R King M Kitsuregawa C Landwehr G Lausen R Lee S Lee 0 Li W Litwin J Liu France France Italy Netherlands Australia France USA Israel Ireland USA USA W Germany W Germany USA Sweden USA USA USA USA Italy China Taiwan USA USA USA USA USA France France USA Switzerland W Germany Australia France E Germany Austria USA UK W Germany Australia USA Hong Kong USA USA Finland Japan USA USA Japan USA W Germany Taiwan Korea Australia France USA F Lochovsky P Lockemann V Lum P Lyngbaek F Manola Y Masunaga K McDonell R Meersman T Merrett K Meyer-Wegener J Minker A Motro J Mylopoulos S Navathe S Nishio A Olive M Orlowska z 0zs0y0glu M Papazoglou J Paradaens P Pistor F Rabitti K Ramamohanarao D Reiner I Restrepo-Lince A Reuter N Roussopoulos K van Rijsbergen H Sakai F Saltor P Scheuermann G Schlageter M Scholl Z Shi A Shoshani H W Six J Smith S Spaccapietra A Solvberg N Spyratos P Stocker s su K Tan K Tanaka C Thanos R Topor D Tsichritzis Y Vassiliou B Wah B Walter R Wang G Weikum TWu B Yao K Yokota S Zdonik R Zicari Canada W Germany USA USA USA Japan Australia Netherlands Canada W Germany USA USA USA USA Japan Spain Australia USA Australia Belgium W Germany Italy Australia USA Colombia W Germany USA UK Japan Spain USA W Germany France China USA W Germany Australia Switzerland Norway France UK USA Singapore Japan Italy Australia Switzerland Greece USA W Germany USA Switzerland USA USA Japan USA Italy

[1]  Alan W. Brown,et al.  Engineering of component-based systems , 1996, Proceedings of ICECCS '96: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (held jointly with 6th CSESAW and 4th IEEE RTAW).

[2]  George Yamamura Process Improvement Satisfies Employees , 1999, IEEE Softw..

[3]  Chip Anderson An operating system development: Windows 3 , 1996, ICSE 1996.

[4]  Ralph Johnson,et al.  design patterns elements of reusable object oriented software , 2019 .

[5]  Ali Mili,et al.  A Case Study in Software Reuse , 2004, Software Quality Journal.

[6]  Christopher J. Alberts,et al.  Continuous Risk Management Guidebook. , 1996 .

[7]  Flavio Oquendo,et al.  Software Architecture , 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

[8]  David C. Rine,et al.  Investments in reusable software. A study of software reuse investment success factors , 1998, J. Syst. Softw..

[9]  Alexander L. Wolf,et al.  Acm Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes Vol 17 No 4 Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture , 2022 .

[10]  C. Kepner,et al.  The New Rational Manager , 1981 .

[11]  Jonathan Rosenhead,et al.  Soft Systems Methodology in Action , 1991 .

[12]  Rubén Prieto-Díaz,et al.  Domain analysis: an introduction , 1990, SOEN.

[13]  Richard E. Fairley,et al.  Risk management for software projects , 1994, IEEE Software.

[14]  Rituparna Ghosh,et al.  An Integrated Approach to Software Process Improvement at Wipro Technologies: veloci-Q , 2004 .

[15]  Ruben Prieto-Diaz,et al.  Criteria for Comparing Reuse-Oriented Domain Analysis Approaches , 1992, Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng..

[16]  Pierre Bricaud,et al.  Reuse methodology manual for system-on-chip designs , 1998 .

[17]  David Lorge Parnas,et al.  Review of David L. Parnas' "Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction" , 2004 .

[18]  Michel Coriat,et al.  The SPLIT method: building product lines for software-intensive systems , 2000 .

[19]  Martin L. Griss,et al.  Integrating feature modeling with the RSEB , 1998, Proceedings. Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse (Cat. No.98TB100203).

[20]  Hassan Gomaa,et al.  Use cases for distributed real-time software architectures , 1997, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems and 3rd Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems.

[21]  Colin Atkinson,et al.  Component-based product line development: the KobrA Approach , 2000, SPLC.

[22]  Jon Siegel OMG overview: CORBA and the OMA in enterprise computing , 1998, CACM.

[23]  Dewayne E. Perry Generic Architecture Descriptions for Product Lines , 1998, ESPRIT ARES Workshop.

[24]  Vijay K. Madisetti,et al.  Constraint-Based Codesign (CBC) of Embedded Systems: The UML Approach , 1999 .

[25]  Marvin V. Zelkowitz,et al.  Experimental Models for Validating Technology , 1998, Computer.

[26]  Gang Chen,et al.  Design Wizards and Visual Programming Environments for GenVoca Generators , 2000, IEEE Trans. Software Eng..

[27]  James Coplien,et al.  Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms , 1991, Proceedings. Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, TOOLS 25 (Cat. No.97TB100239).

[28]  Sadahiro Isoda,et al.  Success factors of systematic reuse , 1994, IEEE Software.

[29]  Hassan Gomaa,et al.  Reusable software requirements and architectures for families of systems , 1995, J. Syst. Softw..

[30]  Even-André Karlsson,et al.  Software reuse: a holistic approach , 1995 .

[31]  Nick Roussopoulos,et al.  An integrated approach to requirements analysis , 1989 .

[32]  Vijayan Sugumaran,et al.  A Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment for reusable software requirements and architectures , 1996, Automated Software Engineering.

[33]  Theodor H. Nelson,et al.  All for one and one for all , 1987, Nature methods.

[34]  Ivar Jacobson,et al.  The Unified Modeling Language User Guide , 1998, J. Database Manag..

[35]  Sholom Cohen,et al.  Product Line Practice Workshop Report. , 1998 .

[36]  Wonhee Sull,et al.  The Merit of XML as an Architecture Description Language Meta- Language , 1998 .

[37]  Sholom Cohen,et al.  Concept of Operations for the ESC Product Line Approach. , 1996 .

[38]  MiliHafedh,et al.  Toward an Engineering Discipline of Software Reuse , 1999 .

[39]  Philippe Kruchten,et al.  The 4+1 View Model of Architecture , 1995, IEEE Softw..

[40]  Guillermo Arango,et al.  Domain Analysis and Software Systems Modeling , 1991 .

[41]  Alan W. Brown,et al.  The Current State , 2016 .

[42]  P. Krutchen,et al.  The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction , 2000 .

[43]  Paul Clements Report of the Reuse and Product Lines Working Group of WISR8. , 1997 .

[44]  Robert Holibaugh,et al.  Joint Integrated Avionics Working Group (JIAWG) Object-Oriented Domain Analysis Method (JODA) , 1992 .

[45]  David Bristow,et al.  Product-Line Process Development , 1995 .

[46]  Hassan Gomaa,et al.  Automated configuration of distributed applications from reusable software architectures , 1997, Proceedings 12th IEEE International Conference Automated Software Engineering.

[47]  MuthigDirk,et al.  Applying Product Line Concepts in Small and Medium-Sized Companies , 2000 .

[48]  Philippe Lalanda,et al.  Object-Orientation and Software Architecture , 1998, ECOOP Workshops.

[49]  David Garlan,et al.  Acme: an architecture description interchange language , 1997, CASCON.

[50]  Deborah Leishman,et al.  Solution Customization , 1999, IBM Syst. J..

[51]  Hassan Gomaa,et al.  A reusable architecture for federated client/server systems , 1999, SSR '99.

[52]  Erik Kamsties,et al.  Requirements Engineering in Small and Medium Enterprises: State-of-the-Practice, Problems, Solutions, and Technology Transfer , 1998 .

[53]  Ralph E. Johnson,et al.  Frameworks = (components + patterns) , 1997, CACM.

[54]  Naranker Dulay,et al.  A constructive development environment for parallel and distributed programs , 1994, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Configurable Distributed Systems.

[55]  Desmond D'Souza,et al.  Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML: The Catalysis Approach , 1998 .

[56]  Barry W. Boehm,et al.  Using the WinWin Spiral Model: A Case Study , 1998, Computer.

[57]  Frank J. Sisti,et al.  Software Risk Evaluation Method Version 1.0. , 1994 .

[58]  David M. Weiss,et al.  Software Product-Line Engineering: A Family-Based Software Development Process , 1999 .

[59]  James Withey Investment Analysis of Software Assets for Product Lines. , 1996 .

[60]  Ruben Prieto-Diaz,et al.  Domain analysis for reusability , 1988 .

[61]  Douglas Stuart,et al.  Dependency Navigation in Product Lines Using XML , 2000, IW-SAPF.

[62]  Robert N. Charette,et al.  Software Engineering Risk Analysis and Management , 1989 .

[63]  Ivar Jacobson,et al.  Software Reuse: Architecture, Process And Organization For Business Success , 1998, Proceedings. Technology of Object-Oriented Languages. TOOLS 26 (Cat. No.98EX176).

[64]  Scott W. Ambler,et al.  Process patterns: building large-scale systems using object technology , 1998 .

[65]  Christopher Alexander,et al.  The Timeless Way of Building , 1979 .

[66]  Kurt C. Wallnau Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) , 1990 .

[67]  Paul Clements,et al.  Software architecture in practice , 1999, SEI series in software engineering.


[69]  Ian Sommerville Software engineering, 5th Edition , 1996 .

[70]  Robert L. Nord,et al.  Experience with architecture-centered software project planning , 1996, ISAW '96.

[71]  R. Jewett,et al.  Systems Engineering , 1959, IRE Transactions on Military Electronics.

[72]  A. Berztiss,et al.  Requirements Engineering , 2002, J. Object Technol..

[73]  Paul Clements,et al.  A Case Study in Successful Product Line Development , 1996 .

[74]  A. Terry,et al.  Domain-specific software architectures: distributed intelligent control and management , 1992, IEEE Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design.

[75]  Barry Boehm,et al.  WinWin Requirements Negotiation Processes: A Multi-Project Analysis , 1999 .

[76]  Klaus Schmid,et al.  PuLSE: a methodology to develop software product lines , 1999, SSR '99.

[77]  Sholom Cohen Guidelines for Developing a Product Line Concept of Operations , 1999 .

[78]  Philippe Lalanda Product-Line Architectures , 1999, ECOOP Workshops.

[79]  Kyo Chul Kang,et al.  Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) Feasibility Study , 1990 .