Individual self,relational self,collective self

Prologue. Preface. C. Sedikides, M.B. Brewer, Individual Self, Relational Self, and Collective Self: Partners, Opponents, or Strangers? Part I: The Individual Self as Basis for Self-definition. C. Sedikides, L.A. Gaertner, A Homecoming to the Individual Self: Emotional and Motivational Primacy. S. Klein, A Self to Remember: A Cognitive Neuropsychological Perspective on How Self Creates Memory and Memory Creates Self. E.T. Higgins, D. May, Individual Self-regulatory Functions: It's Not "We" Regulation, but It's Still Social. Part II: The Relational and Collective Selves as Bases for Self-Definition. D.M. Tice, R.F. Baumeister, The Primacy of the Interpersonal Self. A. Aron, T. McLaughlin -Volpe, Including Others in the Self: Extensions to Own and Partner's Group Memberships. E.R. Smith, S. Coats, J, J. Murphy, The Self and Attachment to Relational Partners and Groups: Theoretical Parallels and New Insights. M.A. Hogg, A Social Identity and the Sovereignty of the Group: A Psychology of Belonging. Part III: International Perspectives on the Individual, Relational and Collective Self. R.S. Onorato, J.C. Turner, The "I", the "Me" and the "Us": The Psychological Group and Self-concept Maintenance and Change. R. Spears, The Interaction Between the Individual and the Collective Self: Self-categorization in Context. B. Simon, C. Kampmeier, Revisiting the Individual Self: Towards a Social Psychological Theory of the Individual Self and the Collective Self. M.B. Brewer, S. Roccas, Individual Values, Social Identity, and Optimal Distinctiveness. Part IV: Integrative Models. L.R. Caporael, Parts and Wholes: The Evolutionary Importance of Groups. H.C. Triandis, D. Trafimow, Cross-national Prevalence of Collectivism. Y. Kashima, E. Kashima, J. Aldridge, Towards Cultural Dynamics of Self-conceptions. K. Deaux, T. Perkins, The Kaleidoscopic Self. Epilogue. D. Prentice, The Individual Self, Relational Self, and Collective Self: A Commentary.