Elaboración de un manual digital de instrumentación periodontal para el apoyo académico a los estudiantes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de las Américas.

At the beginning of the study of Periodontics, students find certain concepts and techniques that they must learn to develop a good practice of periodontal instrumentation, my virtual manual aims to facilitate that learning and avoid complications that can cause errors in the instrumentation techniques as well as providing ergonomics expertise and practical exercises that will help the students to improve their motor skills avoid excessive fatigue and possible injury during practice. The development of this virtual material was to provide a tool for easy access to the students of dentistry in UDLA University, in which to obtain scientific data of the periodontal instrumentation technique. The development of the virtual manual will be with the help of the professionals that will coordinate its preparation, the manual will consist of the important parts of periodontal instrumentation and the student will be able to improve his knowledge. After done the digital manual will proceed to project in the courses of clinic IV and V students of faculty of dentistry of UDLA University, then will verify their acceptance