Kvaerner Pulping Fiberline of Today

Development in cooking has been very rapid during the two latest decades. New cooking methods giving improved pulp quality and better bleachability are today available. Kvaerner Pulping has now further developed the continuous cooking process and we are now marketing a new system called Compact CookingTM. Mill results from Compact CookingTM will be discussed. Kvaerner Pulping has also developed a new oxygen delignification system called DUALOXTM. Mill results from the first installation will be given.Total Chlorinefree Bleaching (TCF) was a very hot issue especially in Scandinavia and Germanspeaking countries 6-7 year ago. The most exciting enthusiasm for TCF bleaching is today slowly changed to a more realistic and correct view on bleaching and its environmental impact. ECF bleaching sequences with low content of chlorine dioxide so called soft ECF are today recommended and installed in many mills. Results from such installations are discussed.Total Effluentfree Bleaching (TEF) is still under development. There are today several mills which have tried different solutions for closing the bleach plant completely. So far nobody has succeeded completely. In the following the new modern Kvaerner Pulping fiberline will be described. The presentation will mainly focus on new Kvaerner Pulping developments.