Solid and gaseous bioenergy pathways: input values and GHG emissions. Calculated according to the methodology set in COM(2010) 11 and SWD(2014) 259. Version 1a.

The Renewable Energy Directive (RED) (2009/28/EC) and the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) (2009/30/EC) fix a threshold of savings of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for biofuels and bioliquids, and set the rules for calculating the greenhouse impact of biofuels, bioliquids and their fossil fuels comparators. To help economic operators to declare the GHG emission savings of their products, default and typical values are also listed in the annexes of the RED and FQD directives. The Commission recommended Member States to use the same approach for other bioenergy sources in the report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on sustainability requirements for the use of solid and gaseous biomass sources in electricity, heating and cooling (COM(2010)11). Typical and default GHG emission values for solid and gaseousbioenergy pathways were reported in the report. SWD(2014)259 updates the values defined in the COM(2010)11 to account for the technogical and market developments in the bioenergy sector. This report describes the assumptions made by the JRC when compiling the updated data set used to calculate default and typical GHG emissions for the different solid and gaseous bioenergy pathways and the results of such calculations in terms of typical and default GHG emission values . In the annexes the comments/questions received from JRC as reaction to the presentation of the data in stakeholders/experts consultations are reported together with their relative answers/rebuttals. This report describes the assumptions made by the JRC when compiling the updated data set used to calculate default and typical GHG emissions for the different solid and gaseous bioenergy pathways and the results of such calculations in terms of typical and default GHG emission values . In the annexes the comments/questions received from JRC as reaction to the presentation of the data in stakeholders/experts consultations are reported together with their relative answers/rebuttals. i Solid and gaseous bioenergy pathways: input values and GHG emissions Calculated according to methodology set in COM(2010) 11 and SWD(2014) 259