Throughout this paper, all functions and vector spaces we shall consider are complex, m and n are fixed integers ≥1, E ≡ ℝn is the Euclidean n-space of all n-tuples of real numbers, P≡Pm-1 is the (complex) vector space of dimension
$$(\mathop n\limits^{m + n - 1} )$$
of all polynomials in n variables of (total) degree ≤m-1, |.| is the (Sobo-lev-like) seminorm (of kernel P) generated by the rotation invariant semi-inner product (on various suitable spaces of distributions to be specified later) where
$$(v,w): = \sum\limits_{{i_1},...,{i_m} = 1}^n {\int_{{\mathbb{R}^n}} {{\partial _i}.{i_m}v( \times ){\partial _{{i_1}}}} ...{i_m}\mathop w\limits^ - (x)dx}$$
where \({\partial _{{i_1}}}...{i_m}: = {\partial ^m}/\partial {x_{{i_1}}}...\partial {x_{{i_m}}}\) is to be interpreted in the distributional sense. All integrals will be taken with respect to the Lebesgue measure on E (this is quite natural in view of the importance of translations of E). As usual, V denotes the vector space of test functions in E (i.e., infinitely differentiable functions with compact support in E), provided with the canonical Schwartz topology, while V (i.e., the dual of V) is the vector space of distributions in E.
E. Stein,et al.
Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces.
K. K. Vo,et al.
Distributions, analyse de Fourier, opérateurs aux dérivées partielles
J. Meinguet.
An Intrinsic Approach to Multivariate Spline Interpolation at Arbitrary Points
Jean Meinguet,et al.
Basic Mathematical Aspects of Surface Spline Interpolation
E. Stein.
Singular Integrals and Di?erentiability Properties of Functions
N. D. Plessis.
Some theorems about the Riesz fractional integral
S. Agmon.
Lectures on Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
J. Meinguet.
Multivariate interpolation at arbitrary points made simple
L. Schwartz.
Théorie des distributions