Suicide Forecast System Over Linear Regression, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayesian Networks and Precision Recall

Suicide is actually the act to hurt oneself in a manner that it may result into death. India is the nation where the rate of suicide is increasing immensely. India comprises of 17.5% of the world population. Also worldwide, there are 800, 000 people who entrust suicide every year. Of which 135, 000 i.e. 17% are the one that belong to nation India. There are several causes that may result into Suicide. Also the cause of suicide varies from person to person. Terms like Suicide signify as an unsuccessful attempt to kill oneself. The main objective of the analysis is to find out and classify the major cause of Suicide in different states of India so as to provide with preventive measures on the basis of the set of different parameters such as Gender, Age, and Cause. In order to prevent it in the Future.