V2X Communication Test Bed for Smart Electrical Vehicle with 5G IOV Technology

In an attempt to make road vehicles smarter, authors have engaged in the design and development of CV2X (Cellular Vehicle to Anything) communication system in its physical layer. They have imparted continuous efforts in several steps in developing test bed. 5G IoV waveform is chosen for CV2X communication where the broadband 5G waveform will provide infotainment to the passenger and narrowband IoV waveform will provide vehicular communication and enable the automatic control of vehicles. Multi-Standard Radio (MSR) is used to realize the waveform. At the initial stage, test bed design for 5G IoV Multiservice Transmitter is modeled using Systemvue EDA (Electronic Design Automation) software. Then the model has been downloaded to a Vector Signal Generator (VSG) which will act as a 5G IoV transmitter. 5G IoV transmitter design is validated by receiving the transmitted signal over the air mode using one TV receiver and FM receiver. A field trial is initiated by putting the said transmitter in one vehicle and receiver in another vehicle.