AHP를 이용한 탄소 저감형 자재 공급업체 선정 프로세스 설계
Recently, greenhouse gas reduction is driven by using low carbon materials in the procurement phase. However, the existing way to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas by purchasing low carbon materials has been considering only the emission generated in the production process of materials, but not the emission caused by the delivery and disposal process of those materials. Therefore, we need to develop an optimal method for the low carbon material supplier selection because the material supplier selection not only affects the greenhouse gas emissions in the procurement phase but also is utilized for the measure of greenhouse gas reduction. This study presents a process for low carbon material supplier selection using AHP to manage the emission of greenhouse gas in the procurement phase. Also, it is expected that a model finally developed by further studies is utilized as one of the management skills for reducing the emission of greenhouse gas in construction projects.