Analysis of anthocyanins in red fruits by use of HPLC/spectral array detection

The anthocyanin pigment profiles of the main red fruits (red grape, red currant, black currant, red raspberry, sweet cherry, sour cherry, blueberry, strawberry and blackberry) were characterized by reverse-phase (RP) high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/spectral array detection (SAD). Derivatives of delphinidin (delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin) can be distinguished from derivatives of cyanidin (cyanidin and peonidin), which in turn can be distinguished from pelargonidin derivatives on the basis of their visible spectrum. Elution order, retention times (Rt) and relative retention times (RRt), depend on glycosidation status and working conditions. The HPLC profile of the anthocyanins is distinctive for each red fruit and therefore helpful in identification of juice adulteration. Optimization of elution conditions is required when mixtures are analysed.