We investigate a model of self-assembling finite automata. An automaton is assembled on demand during its computation from copies out of a finite set of items. These items are pieces of a finite automaton which are connected to the already assembled automaton by identifying states. Depending on the allowed number of such interface states, the degree, infinite hierarchies of properly included language families are shown. The presented model is a natural and unified generalization of regular and context-free languages since degrees one and two are characterizing the finite and pushdown automata, respectively. Moreover, by means of different closure properties nondeterministic and deterministic language families are separated.
John N. Shutt,et al.
Self-Modifying Finite Automata: An Introduction
Inf. Process. Lett..
John N. Shutt.
Self-Modifying Finite Automata - Power and Limitations
John N. Shutt,et al.
Self-Modifying Finite Automata
IFIP Congress.
L. Penrose,et al.
Self-Reproducing Machines
Kazuhiro Saitou,et al.
On Classes of One-dimensional Self-assembling Automata
Complex Syst..
Markus E. Nebel.
On the Power of Subroutines for Finite State Machines
J. Autom. Lang. Comb..
Katsushi Inoue,et al.
A Note on Self-Modifying Finite Automata
Inf. Process. Lett..