Reflux and Renal Scarring

some of the more important growing aspects of the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease, and contributors from America and Europe were chosen for their special experience in the subjects covered. These of necessity tend to be rather restricted, so that the book in no way represents a comprehensive account of modern paediatric cardiological practice as its title might suggest. As with all international symposia, the standard of contributions is variable. There is an excellent account of the new terminology in congenital heart disease and its relevance to the precise diagnosis of complex lesions, using the method of sequential chamber localisation which the editors themselves have done so much to promote during the last few years. Likewise, the sections on ventricular septal defect, Fallot's tetralogy, and atrioventricular canal defects, contain interesting material which is well presented. In particular, Rudolph's introductory review of ventricular septal defect in infancy is a small masterpiece of clarity and concise organisation of essential information. However, in other parts of the book, especially where the subject matter is more abstruse, both text and format tend to suffer from an unfortunate degree of repetitiveness. The free discussion that follows each major section, and which is generally of a high standard, enhances the interest and understanding of each subject. Because of its specialised and selective content, this book cannot be recommended as a work of reference for undergraduates