The design of the test beamline at SSRF

In order to ensure rapid and successful operation of the high performance beamline instruments and optics, a test beamline (09B) has been built at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) for the at-wavelength measurements. The bending magnet is employed as the light source, and the acceptance angle is2.5×0.3mrad2. The beamline optical elements: 1D compound refractive lens, water cooling double crystal monochromator, toroidal mirror and other optical components could be switched in the vacuum for different operational modes. A KB mirror system is employed to micron focus at the experimental station, and the beamline provides 100mm spot size in horizontal direction. The beamline photon energy range is 4-50keV, energy resolution is 5x10−4@10keV and photon flux is 3x1011phs/s@300mA. Variety instruments and detectors have been provided for the diffraction, spectroscopy, imaging and other at-wavelength measurement. Details of the beamline optical design and energy resolution measuring performance of the high energy double Laue crystal monochromator and water cooling double crystal monochromator are also presented in this paper.In order to ensure rapid and successful operation of the high performance beamline instruments and optics, a test beamline (09B) has been built at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) for the at-wavelength measurements. The bending magnet is employed as the light source, and the acceptance angle is2.5×0.3mrad2. The beamline optical elements: 1D compound refractive lens, water cooling double crystal monochromator, toroidal mirror and other optical components could be switched in the vacuum for different operational modes. A KB mirror system is employed to micron focus at the experimental station, and the beamline provides 100mm spot size in horizontal direction. The beamline photon energy range is 4-50keV, energy resolution is 5x10−4@10keV and photon flux is 3x1011phs/s@300mA. Variety instruments and detectors have been provided for the diffraction, spectroscopy, imaging and other at-wavelength measurement. Details of the beamline optical design and energy resolution measuring performance of the ...