Decision Support Tool for the Management of Debris from Homeland Security Incidents

SUMMARY : Unique challenges exist for the handling, transport, and disposal of debris resulting from homeland security incidents, disasters or other national emergencies. Safe and timely disposal of disaster debris is critical to helping restore a community or region and prevent further contamination or spread of disease. The U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development is conducting research to develop a suite of decision support tools that provide quick and easy access to information needed for making decisions associated with handling, transport, and diposal of disaster debris. The DSTs provide location-specific information to identify specific facilities and contacts for making debris management decisions. The DSTs provide references to technical information, regulations, and other information to provide decision makers with assistance in disposal decisions that are important for the protection of public health, first responders, and the environment. This research is being conducted in support of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and in partnership with other U.S. government agencies, EPA program offices, industry, and state and local emergency reponse programs.