A correlation study between the application of phytosanitary treatments and the effects of electromagnetic field, at Phaseolus vulgaris L., in greenhouse conditions.

The objective of this research was to correlate the effect of electromagnetic field on Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. nanus plants, in the greenhouse conditions and the action of conventional and unconventional phytosanitary treatments. The study was carried out at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj – Napoca, in the spring of 2016. The system for generating the electromagnetic field on the plants in the greenhouse experiments consists in a microwave generator and an open dipole antenna, of total length 7.3 m, located at a distance of 50 cm above the pots with plants. The experiments aim the use of foliar treatments with Bio Flama (unconventional treatment) and Captan 80WDG (conventional treatment). For processing the data, STATISTICA v.8.0 for Windows was used. The simple correlations were obtained by using the " Basic statistics" facility from the statistical program. Under greenhose conditions, multiple correlations of low intensity were identified in the absence of phytosanitary treatments and when applying phytosanitary treatments, weak (and medium to strong correlation were recorded on the electromagnetic field. In the absence of irradiation and phytosanitary treatments a multiple average correlation was reported, while when applying Captan 80WDG and Bio Flama, the correlations were medium.