The double-barrier AlGaSb/InAs/AlGaSb heterostructure with staggered bandgap alignment can admit significant interband tunneling current in addition to the conduction band electron transport. The resulting positive hole-charge accumulation in the right valence-band (VB) well will electrostatically modify the spatial potential profile across the device structure, thereby effectively altering the conduction of conduction-band electron transport. A sequentially triggered optical discharging process can be used to annihilate, or substantially reduce, the trapped holes that are generated from the interband tunneling process. Hence, an artificially induced electro-optic interaction can be used to return the device to its initial state and to produce a two-cycle oscillation process - i.e., one with a interband-induced charging transient followed by a optically-induced discharging transient to the initial state. These charging-discharging cycles obtained from this hybrid type of interband resonant-tunneling-diode (I-RTD) device constitute steady-state oscillatory behavior at very high frequency and produce alternating-current (ac) power as long as very short (i.e., sub-picosecond) and intense far-infrared laser pulses are presented to the diode. Initial studies of non-optimized structures and designs predict impressive figures of merit for oscillation frequencies (e.g., ~ 300-600 GHz) and substantial output powers (e.g., ~ 10 mW) for very modest device areas (i.e., 100 μm2). This paper will present physics-based I-RTD diode simulation results to precisely describe transport dynamics and transient electric current for both charging (initiated by Zener tunneling) and discharging (artificially induced by photons flux) processes. A basic electro-optical design concept and modeling approach for the analysis and synthesis of non-linear hybrid I-RTD circuits will also be presented. The main objectives of this paper are: (1) to perform a detailed assessment of the ac output power and efficiency of an optically-triggered (OT) I-RTD hybrid oscillator in the frequency range approximately 300 to 600 GHz, and (2) to prescribe the general requirements for realizing a diode-laser pair upon a single solid-state platform in the future. Therefore, guidelines for a practical engineering implementation and performance estimates for an OT-I-RTD hybrid oscillator design will be presented.
Dwight L. Woolard,et al.
A degenerately-doped GaAs Schottky diode model applicable for terahertz frequency regime operation
C. C. Lee,et al.
T. C. McGill,et al.
Oscillations up to 712 GHz in InAs/AlSb resonant‐tunneling diodes
Stephen A. Maas,et al.
Microwave Mixers
Dwight L. Woolard,et al.
A novel interband-resonant tunneling diode (I-RTD) based high-frequency oscillator ☆
T. Globus,et al.
Electron transport within resonant tunneling diodes with staggered-bandgap heterostructures
2001 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium. Symposium Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX497).