Knoholem: Knowledge-Based Energy Management for Public Buildings Through Holistic Information Modeling and 3D Visualization

The mismanagement of energy in public buildings is related with the continuous growing up of energy consumption. Energy efficiency concept is one of the main awareness in the current society. The main contribution of the paper is focused on describing intelligent energy management architecture capable of intelligent generation of recommendations taking into account infrastructure behavior (building), user behavior (occupants of the building) and holistic techniques (recommendations and knowledge from other buildings). This article describes an approach developed under European Union project called KnoHolEM. Project solution is characterized by: (1) Support buildings in (near-)real-time energy monitoring through smart metering; (2) Knowledge-based development of intelligent energy management solutions, supporting interoperability between heterogeneous systems and assisted by algorithms for energy consumption, optimization and rationalization. (3) Simulation and virtual-aided validation of these intelligent energy management solutions and their configurations. (4) Closed-loop building control.