Lessons from the 18 years of hyperspectral infrared sounder data

By the end of 2013 NASA and EUMETSAT will have accumulated more than 11 years of AIRS, 6 years of IASI and one year of CrIS data. All three instruments were nominally specified to support the NWC for short term weather forecasting with a five year lifetime, but continue to exceed the accuracy requirement needed for weather forecasting alone. This allows use of their data for a much broader range of applications, including the calibration of broad-band instruments in space and climate research. We illustrate calibration aspects with examples from AIRS, IASI and CrIS using spatially uniform clear conditions, simultaneous nadir overpasses and random nadir samples. The differences between AIRS, IASI and CrIS for the purpose of weather forecasting are small and we expect that the excellent forecast impact demonstrated by the combination of AIRS and IASI will be continued by the combination of CrIS and IASI. Clear data are useful for calibration, but contain no climate signal. The analysis of random nadir samples from AIRS and CrIS identifies larger biases for observation of extreme conditions, represented by 1% and 99%tile data than for non-extreme observations. This is relevant for climate analysis. Resolution of these differences require further work, since they can complicate the continuation of trends established by AIRS with CrIS data, at least for extrema. The unequaled stability of the AIRS data allows us to evaluate trends using random nadir sampled data. We see an increasing frequency in severe storms over land, a decreasing frequency over ocean. The 11 years of AIRS data are too short to tell if these trends are significant from a climate change viewpoint, or if they are parts of multi-decadal oscillations.