Human-Computer Mobile Distributed Computing for Time Series Forecasting

Distributed computing became very popular in the last two decades and in many cases such projects are based on a donated calculation power. With the expansion of the mobile devices in the last decade it become relevant some donated distributed computing solutions to be developed as mobile applications. Such a solution was developed at IICT-BAS [2], which is based on an Android Live Wallpaper technology. This research proposes an extension of the work done at IICT-BAS in the direction of human-computer based distributed computing by providing software capabilities of the users to vote for future financial changes. At the beginning, a brief overview of the topic with special emphasis on ANNs/GAs and their strengths/weaknesses when applied for the problem’s solution is given. After that the study treats the aspect of extension of a distributed computing system based on mobile devices to human-computer distributed computing. Experiments and results are presented in Sect. 3 and the final Sect. 4 concludes and provides some further work suggestions.