Representações sobre a Aids na velhice por coordenadoras de grupos da terceira idade

This study aimed seize the representations of the coordinating groups of coexistence of Aids on older persons in old age. Participants of the survey of 20 coordinating of the Attention Program for the Elderly Municipality of Joao Pessoa-PB, with ages ranging from 38 to 72 years. For data collection was used a questionnaire socio-demographic and technical Association Freedom of Word, from three stimuli inducers: Aids in the elderly, prevention and vulnerability. Emerged the following offices: the coordinating younger associate to the need for Aids care and prevention, the use of condoms. The vulnerability is related to a phenomenon for all. For those of greater age, the representations are associated with suffering and group risk. The development of educational practices in groups constitutes spaces processing for preventive interventions front of the HIV/Aids.