Digital Micro Shutter Technology for Color & Video E-Reader Displays

The Digital Micro Shutter (DMS) Technology developed by Pixtronix not only provides low power direct view displays with exceptional image quality but also provides ultra low power E-paper compatible modes. Based on MEMS micro-shutters formed on active TFT backplanes, DMS technology has enabled the development of color sequential, time division gray scale, direct-view displays achieving breakthrough performance all at 1/4 the power consumption of comparable TFT-LCD and OLED display modules. Its exceptional image quality is due to its optical architecture and device mechanism. In addition, DMS display also presents excellent sunlight readability in transflective color and monochrome reflective modes. This readability can be attributed to reflective properties of the DMS optical architecture. This reflective nature also enhances viewing characteristics of transmissive color modes in high ambient lighting conditions. This paper will briefly describe the Pixtronix DMS display technology, its key architecture elements responsible for superior performance and comparison of display in reflective and transflective modes under high ambient lighting conditions. This paper will also describe the unique advantages of this technology in direct view display applications including programmability and low temperature operation.