Diffraction at the Tevetron: CDF Results

The diffractive programof the CDF Collaboration at the FermilabTevatron pp̄ Collider is reviewed with emphasison recentresultsfrom Run II at s 1.96 TeV. Updated resultson the xB j andQ 2 dependenceof thediffractive structurefunctionobtained from dijet production, and on theslopeparameterof the t-distribution of diffractive eventsasa functionof Q2 in therange 1 GeV2 Q2 104 GeV2, arepresentedandcomparedwith theoreticalexpectations. Resultson crosssectionsfor exclusivedijet anddiphotonproduction arealsopresentedandusedto calibrate theoretical estimatesfor exclusive Higgsproductionat theLargeHadronCollider.