Performance of OOK-RZ and NRZ Modulation Techniques in Various Receiver Positions for Li-Fi

The performance of the Visible Light Communication (VLC) system in a closed room measuring $\mathbf{5}\ \mathbf{m\ x}\ 5 \mathbf{m\ x}\ \mathbf{3}\ \mathbf{m}$ using the Return-to-Zero On Off Keying (OOK-RZ) scheme and Non-Return-to-Zero On Off Keying (OOK-NRZ) has been investigated in this paper. The effect of modulation on VLC performance was examined by changing the distance of the receiver to the sender to produce a maximum point of 3.19 m for OOK-NRZ modulation, 2.91 m for OOK-RZ modulation with the threshold Bit Error Rate (BER) around 10−3. Using a 7 Watt Light Emitting Diode (LED) light that is positioned at an altitude of 3 m at one end of the roof of the room with the initial position of the receiver 2.15 m. Each of the maximum distances generated by the two types of modulation mentioned has the value of a wide range of communication coverage OOK-NRZ obtained 13.8 m2 and OOK-RZ obtained 11.3 m2, with the OOK-NRZ coverage area wider than OOK-RZ.