Assessment of disk MHD generators for a base load powerplant

A summary of the results from a recent Westinghouse-MIT systems study of the disk MHD generator are presented. Both open and closed-cycle disk systems were investigated in the Westinghouse-MIT study. Costing of the open-cycle disk components (nozzle, channel, diffuser, radiant boiler, magnet and power management) was done. However, no detailed costing was done for the closed-cycle systems. Preliminary plant design for the open-cycle systems was also completed. Based on the system study results, an economic assessment of the open-cycle systems is presented. The following open-cycle plant efficiencies, eta/sub t/, were calculated. For a directly fired preheat system with 1920/sup 0/K (2006/sup 0/F) preheat temperature eta/sub t/ = 45.5%, for a directly fired system with 1650/sup 0/K (2500/sup 0/F) preheat temperature eta/sub t/ = 43.4%, for a separately fired preheat system at 1920/sup 0/K (2006/sup 0/F) eta/sub t/ = 39% and for an oxygen-enriched system with low temperature recuperative preheat eta/sub t/ = 40.5%. Costs of the open-cycle disk components are less than comparable linear generator components. Also, costs of electricity for the open-cycle disk systems are competitive with comparable linear systems. Advantages of the disk design simplicity are considered. Improvements in the channel availability or a reduction in the channelmore » lifetime requirement are possible as a result of the disk design.« less