Paths, Flows, and VLSI-Layout

Contents: F. Barahona: On Some Applications of the Chinese Postman Problem.- F.R.K. Chung: Separator Theorems and Their Applications.- P. Erdos: Some of my Old and New Combinatorial Problems.- A. Frank: Packing Paths, Circuits and Cuts - A Survey.- A.V. Goldberg, E. Tardos, R.E. Tarjan: Network Flow Algorithms.- M. Kaufmann, K. Mehlhorn: Routing Problems in Grid Graphs.- B. Korte, H.J. Promel, A. Steger: Steiner Trees in VLSI-Layout.- M.V. Lomonosov: Cycles Through Prescribed Elements in a Graph.- L. Lovasz: Communication Complexity: A Survey.- N. Robertson, P.D. Seymour: An Outline of a Disjoint Paths Algorithm.- N. Robertson, R. Vitray: Representativity of Surface Embeddings.- A. Schrijver: Homotopic Routing Methods.- Author Index.- Subject Index.