A Model for the Statistical Characterisation of Fast Fading in the Presence of a User

The study of the statistical behaviour of thereceived signal when a user is present near thetransmitting handset antenna is presented in thispaper. The probability distribution function (pdf) isanalysed in two parts, with the first one examiningthe random movement of the antenna near the user'shead and the second one examining the fast fading ofthe radiated signal. Different probabilitydistribution functions are considered for the firstpart. Measurements of the statistical variation of thedistance between the user's head and the antenna arepresented and they are compared with the pdf'sconsidered. A new model is derived based on thecombination of two known pdf's and it is given thename ``VeCa distribution''. Measurements of thestatistical behaviour of the received signal from adistantly located antenna, when a user is present nearthe transmitting antenna, are presented and thecomparison with the VeCa distribution proves thesuperiority of the latter against the Rayleighdistribution which is only successful when the antennais left alone (with no scatterers in its proximity).