The objective of the clear-roadside concept is to reduce property damage, injuries, and deaths that result from vehicles running off the road. To accomplish this, to the extent that it is reasonable and financially acceptable, a clear zone is provided beyond the edge of the roadway where an errant vehicle can be safely brought under control. This paper discusses some of the early research data upon which the concept is founded. Also discussed are current trends in the application of the concept. The American Association of State Highway Officials' (AASHTO) "Guide for Selecting, Locating, and Designing Traffic Barriers" is cited as a source of information on the application of the concept. Some specific examples of roadside hazards that need to be removed or treated to make the roadside safer, such as trees, utility poles, steep side slopes, etc., are mentioned and a short bibliography on the subject is included. (A) For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 860861.