Application of Fast Time Simulation Technologies for Enhanced Ship Manoeuvring Operation

Abstract A prediction tool was developed to simulate the ships motion with complex dynamic models in fast time and to display the ships track immediately for the intended or actual rudder or engine manoeuvre. These simulations allow for an unmatched monitoring of Ship handling processes to follow the underlying manoeuvring concept: During the manoeuvring process the manoeuvres can be constantly displayed together with the actual ship motion and the predicted future track. This future track is based on input from the ships actual sensors i.e. via the Voyage Data Recorder and furthermore from diagnosis tools analysing the status of the manoeuvring facilities and providing information in case of failures, e.g. reduced engine power or larger rudder response time due to malfunctions of the equipment. For collision avoidance the standard manoeuvres using the maximum manoeuvring capabilities for e.g. stopping and turning can be updated by fast time simulation taking into consideration the current ships and environmental conditions to be used in collision avoidance displays. Within this paper investigations into the feasibility and user acceptance of the new concept and layout of navigation display will be introduced and selected results of simulation studies will be discussed testing the influence on manoeuvre performance dependent on different kind of prediction functions.