Impact of a 10nm Ultra-Thin BOX (UTBOX) and Ground Plane on FDSOI devices for 32nm node and below

In this paper we explore for the first time the impact of an Ultra-Thin BOX (UTBOX) with and without Ground Plane (GP) on a 32nm Fully-Depleted SOI (FDSOI) high-k/metal gate technology. The performance comparison versus thick BOX architecture exhibits a 50mV DIBL reduction by using 10nm BOX thickness for NMOS and PMOS devices at 33nm gate length. Moreover, the combination of DIBL reduction and threshold voltage modulation by adding GP enables to reduce the Isb current by a factor 2.8 on a 0.299µm2 SRAM cell while maintaining an SNM of 296mV @ Vdd 1.1V.