Transport of intensity phase imaging for pure phase objects in computational ghost imaging

Computational ghost imaging (CGI) is expected to be applied to noninvasive biomedical imaging because of its characteristic which allows us to obtain the object's image under a low signal to noise ratio (SNR) condition. However only an amplitude distribution can be obtained by the CGI. Therefore the imaging of the pure phase objects is difficult. Although the phase shifting digital holography has been used for reconstruction of the complex amplitude in the CGI, its experimental setup is cumbersome and sensitive to vibrations. Furthermore four holograms are required for the reconstruction of the complex amplitude because of the phase shifting algorithm, rendering the acquisition time of the phase image slow. Therefore the method is difficult to be applied to the biomedical imaging. An alternative non-interferometric method is proposed in this study. The proposed method uses the transport of intensity equation for the phase retrieval of the pure phase objects, termed transport-of-intensity CGI (TI-CGI). In the TI-CGI, the phase distribution is retrieved from a single defocused image obtained by a modulated optical setup of the CGI, achieving the fast and robust imaging compared with the conventional phase shifting method. Therefore the TI-CGI may be more suitable for the biomedical imaging than the phase shifting method. The TI-CGI is demonstrated by an optical experiment under the low SNR condition generated by the neutral density filters with 1% and 0.1% transmittance. The experimental results conform the effectiveness of the TI-CGI.