차량 Parameter 변경에 따른 ESC ECU의 강인성 분석과 이를 통한 ESC Parameter 선정기준 구축 - Part II

Since their introduction in the mid 90’s, the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) systems have improved a lot in order to provide more precise control of vehicle’s lateral stability. Accordingly, the ESC ECU today must be fine-tuned so that its embedded control logics agree well with the target vehicle’s physical specs. During the process of new vehicle development, vehicle parts are constantly changed by the design engineers. If such change results in significant variation of vehicle dynamic performance, additional efforts have to follow to revise the ESC logics. So it becomes important to capture the tolerable limits for vehicle parameter changes since they can serve as parameter selection guidelines for the design engineers. In this paper, robustness analysis of the ESC ECU has been conducted for a variety of chassis parts. To this end, a HILS (Hardware-in-theloop Simulation) system has been constructed. The hardware part of the HILS includes: an ESC ECU module, four brake caliper/disk sets, hydraulic lines, host and target PCs, and communication boards. The vehicle dynamics is virtually implemented by the CarSim model. Through the robustness analysis, the effects of the parameter changes on the ESC performance have been studied, and using this result parameter selection guidelines have been established in this study.