Control Structure withFuzzy SupervisionofP1 ParametersinaMultilevel Converter Application

Thispaperpresents anovelcontrol structure based onmixedtechniques (Fuzzy andPI's) forthecontrol ofaneutral- point-clamped converter. Thisstructure implies threePI regulators withanadaptative fuzzyself-tuning regulator. The constants oftheproportional andintegral actuators (kp andki, respectively) aresimultaneously adjusted forthevoltage and current control loops. Thismethodachieves optimal performance ofthesystemunderloadstepsregarding dc-link voltage regulation andaccurrents. A theoretical stability analysis isalso performed. Thesystemistested bysimulation andexperiment underrectifier operation mode. IndexTerms-Boostrectifier, fuzzy supervisor, neutral-point- clamped (NPC)converter, self-tuning regulator, Takagi-Sugeno- Kang(TSK), three-level converter.

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