Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless sensor network is more prone to adversary compare to common wireless network. This is due to the nature of wireless sensor network that involves many nodes, thus making the system more vulnerable. Another reason is the nature of wireless sensor network as an ad hoc network, making it having no hierarchal structure, complicating management tasks. Deploying new technology without security in mind has often proved to be unreasonably dangerous.One of the most fundamental rights in a 'healthy' society is the right of every citizen to be left alone. Article 12 of the U.N, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, states that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence.”, in reality, though this right is increasingly being trod upon, along with undreamed of comforts and conveniences for the population in general. The digital revolution has made it possible to gather as well as store information about human behaviour on a massive scale. We leave electronic footprints everywhere we go, footprints that are being watched, analyzed and sold without our knowledge or even control.With this Security and Privacy solutions are mandatory aspects when developing new pervasive technologies such as wireless sensor networks (WSN).This paper analyses the security issues, threats and attacks and requirements of wireless sensor networks. This paper further proposes security framework and security architecture to integrate existing technologies with WSN technology, to provide secure and private communications to its users.