Schottky barrier diode frequency multipliers are critical components in submm and THz space based Earth observation systems. As the operating frequency of these multipliers has increased, the agreement between design predictions and experimental results has become poorer. The multiplier design is usually based on a nonlinear model using a form of harmonic balance and a model for the Schottky barrier diode. Conventional voltage dependent lumped element models do a poor job of predicting THz frequency performance. This paper describes a large signal Monte Carlo simulation of Schottky barrier multipliers. The simulation is a time dependent particle field Monte Carlo simulation with Ohmic and Schottky barrier boundary conditions included that has been combined with a fixed point solution for the nonlinear circuit interaction. The results point out some important time constants in varactor operation and describe the effects of current saturation and nonlinear resistances on multiplier operation.
G.B. Tait.
Efficient solution method for unified nonlinear microwave circuit and numerical solid-state device simulation
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters.
T. Phillips,et al.
Submillimeter astronomy (heterodyne spectroscopy)
Proc. IEEE.
J. W. Waters,et al.
Submillimeter-wavelength heterodyne spectroscopy and remote sensing of the upper atmosphere
Proc. IEEE.
Herbert Kroemer,et al.
Hot-electron relaxation effects in devices☆
Jack R. East,et al.
Current saturation in submillimeter-wave varactors
Peter H. Siegel,et al.
Topics in the optimization of millimeter-wave mixers
Antti V. Räisänen,et al.
Frequency multipliers for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths
Proc. IEEE.